- NAMFISA's Procurement Policy aligns with the Public Procurement Act 2015 (Act No. 15 of 2015), Public Procurement Regulations 2015 (PPR), and the NAMFISA Act 2001 (Act No. 3 of 2001). We fully support and adhere to the government's policy and legislative framework aimed at addressing social and economic disadvantages.

Streamlined compliance for success
Bid No | Title | Status | Year | Briefing Session | Bidders | Awarded To | Attachments |
G_RFQ_NAMFISA_010_2024 | 324.50 KB
Bid No | Title | Status | Year | Briefing Session | Bidders | Awarded To | Attachments |
NCS/ONB/NAMFISA-001/2022 | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF BID EVALUATION REPORT | Closed | 2019 | Best Evaluated Bid: Creative Concepts cc for a total amount of NAD 3, 538, 430.60 (excluding VAT) as the lowest evaluated bid subject to Regulation 41(1) of the Public Procurement Regulations. |
Amended Public Procurement Regulations | 191.44 KB
IG/IQ/NAMFISA-034/2019 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF NAMFISA NOTEBOOKS & INSERTS | Closed | 2019 | The purchase order was awarded to Spice Corporate & Promotional Items as the best lowest priced bidder for the amount of N$18, 601.25 incl. VAT. | |||
G/IQ/NAMFISA-033/2018 | PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF NOTEBOOKS · ICT | Closed | 2019 | The purchase order was awarded to VCS Computers cc as the best lowest priced bidder for the amount of N$58, 103.75 incl. VAT. | |||
G/RFQ/NAMFISA-037/2019 | RENEWAL OF THE MICROSOFT OPEN VALUE LICENSE (SOFTWARE ASSURANCE FOR NAMFISA – 3 YEAR FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. | Closed | 2019 | The purchase order was awarded to Green Enterprise Solutions as the best lowest priced bidder for the amount of N$3, 504, 051.15 incl. VAT for three years. | |||
G/RFQ/NAMFISA-038/2019 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF ICT HARDWARE AND PERIPHERALS | Closed | 2019 | The purchase order was awarded to Cornastone Technologies (Pty) Ltd as the best lowest priced bidder for the amount of N$152 386.50 (incl. VAT) | |||
G/RFQ/NAMFISA-033/2019 | RENEWAL OF KASPERSKY SECURITY FOR MAIL SERVER FOR NAMFISA | Closed | 2019 | The purchase order was awarded to Green Enterprise Solutions as the best lowest priced bidder for the amount of N$21 390.00 (incl. VAT) | |||
G/RFQ/NAMFISA-036/2019 | RENEWAL OF NITRO PRO LICENSE WITH UPGRADE TO 12 FOR NAMFISA – 1 Year | Closed | 2019 | The purchase order was awarded to Business Connexion Namibia for the amount of NAD43, 641.20 | |||
G/RFQ/NAMFISA-035/2019 | RENEWAL OF MANAGEENGINE OPMANAGER LICENCE, SUPPORT & MAINTENANCE FOR NAMFISA | Closed | 2019 | The purchase order was to Business Connexion Namibia as the best lowest priced bidder for the amount of NAD43, 429.49 | |||
G/RFQ/NAMFISA-034/2019 | RENEWAL OF VEEAM BACKUP AND REPLICATION LICENSE RENEWAL FOR NAMFISA – 2 YEARS | Closed | 2019 | The purchase order was awarded to Virtua Technologies (Pty) Ltd as the lowest evaluated bidder for the amount of NAD60, 258.06 | |||
EOI/OIB/NAMFISA/002-2017 | Development of a Capability Framework for NAMFISA | Closed | 2017 | Ernst & Young (NAM) 2. KPMG (NAM) 3. Capacity Trust (NAM) JV Correlate People & Performance (SA) 4. RMZ Consultants cc (NAM) JV Industrial Psychology Consulting (SA) | |||
EOI/NAMFISA/01-2017 | Appointment of NAMFISA's Panel of Forensic Investigators/Firms/Consultants | Closed | 2017 | Bowmann Gilfillan (SA) 2. Deloitte & Touch (NAM) 3. Ernst & Young (NAM) 4. PWC (NAM) 5. Nexia (SA) 6. D-Finitive (SA) 7. KPMG (NAM) 8. BDO (NAM | |||
NCS/RFQ/NAMFISA/008-2017 | Provision of Media Monitoring and Analysis Services to NAMFISA | Closed | 2017 | Meltwater South Africa Pty Ltd | |||
RFP/FI/001-2017 | Provision of External Audit Services to NAMFISA and Subsidiary METROPOL | Closed | 2017 | PwC Namibia |
Bid No | Title | Status | Year | Attachments |
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Supplier Guidelines
We strive to provide an effective and efficient procurement service to the Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA) and its stakeholders by adhering to procurement best practices and ensuring optimal resource management, in compliance with NAMFISA policies and the relevant procurement regulatory framework. NAMFISA is committed to affirmative procurement practices consistent with the Codes of Good Practice, as stipulated in the Public Procurement Act of 2025, as amended.
We expect our suppliers, as partners, to continually pursue excellence in service delivery, drive cost efficiency, mitigate risk exposure, and present innovative solutions to our challenges. However, our interactions must be grounded in sound ethical conduct, good governance, and compliance with the Authority’s policies and procedures.
We look forward to developing these partnerships and relationships in the future.
Code of Good Practice – Overview
The Public Procurement Code of Good Practice for Preferences in Namibia aims to promote economic development and empower local suppliers. Issued under the Public Procurement Act of 2015, this Code provides guidelines for preferential treatment of various categories of suppliers, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs), women-owned businesses, youth-owned enterprises, and previously disadvantaged individuals.
Key features include:
This initiative underscores Namibia's commitment to fostering a more inclusive and sustainable economic environment.

Procurement Management Unit
Email: procurement@namfisa.com.na
Tel: 061 290 5239/5249/5131
Tel: 061 290 5239/5249/5131
Become a Supplier
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a bid securing declaration?
- A bid securing declaration is an undertaking in writing that a bidder will not withdraw the bid or reject to sign the contract.
Does the display of the procurement plan on the Public Entity’s website affect the confidentiality of the procurement process?
- The display of the procurement plan does not affect the procurement process since the award of contract is not only based on price but follows the evaluation criteria stated in the bidding document. The bidders will still be subjected to competition to determine the best offer.
Is advance payment permissible? This is normal practice for certain types of consultancy?
- Payment terms to a contract should be clearly prescribed as per the conditions in the bid document and the contract.
What is Procurement Policy Unit’s (PPU) mandate?
- a) Ensuring that procurement procedures established under the Act are complied with;
- b) Monitoring the procurement system and reporting on its overall functioning
- c) Initiating public procurement policy
- d) Assisting in the implementation and operation of the public procurement system by:
- - preparing and distributing manuals and standard tender documents,
- - providing advice and assistance to procuring entities, and develop, promote and support training and professional development of staff involved in procurement
What do we do about tenders which arrive 2 minutes late and all bidders present agree to accept the late tender?
- Any late tenders submitted after the deadline date or time should be rejected in line with the Invitation to Tender. It is expected that Public Entities comply with the Act at all the stages of the procurement process.
What regulations apply to NAMFISA’s procurement?
- All of NAMFISA’s procurement activities are governed by the Public Procurement Act, Act 15 of 2015 and Regulations, as amended, the Code of Good Practice, all Directives issued by the Ministry of Finance and NAMFISA’s Procurement Policy. For further information on public procurement please visit the Policy Unit portal on the Ministry of Finance website.
Who should I approach if I have questions about the bids?
- Questions must be submitted in writing. Each bid states the contact person and where questions should be sent. You will find a final deadline for questions which is usually fourteen (14) days before the deadline of the bid submission closing date.
How can I find out what questions have been submitted by others?
- A report detailing relevant questions, answers and clarifications for each separate procurement is published on the website.
Does the bid invitation include all the information I need?
- The questions and answers that are published on the website provide important additional information to that contained in the bid invitation, so it is important to read the information published there.
How do I find out the outcome of a procurement process?
- When NAMFISA has made a decision of award, all bidders will receive a notice for award. The notice contains the details of the successful bidder and the bid price. The Notice for Selection of Award is issued by way of e-mail to the bidders, by notice on the Government E-GP portal and the NAMFISA website.
Can a bidder appeal the decision to award a contract by a Public Entity?
In terms of Section 59 of the Public Procurement Act 15 of 2015, a bidder or supplier may, as prescribed, apply to the Review Panel for the review of a decision or action taken by the Public Entity.
A Bidder who is dissatisfied by a decision of award may in writing request NAMFISA/ the Public Entity to reconsider its decision of the award together with the grounds for such reconsideration request. If the Bidder is still aggrieved by the decision after such reconsideration, it may in terms of Section 59
Can we request for a public opening of a Request for Quotation that requires technical evaluations?
No. Bids will be opened internally by the Public Entity immediately after the closing time. However, a record of the Quotation Opening stating the name of the bidders, the amount quoted, the presence or absence of a Bid Security/Bid Securing Bidder Declaration, will be posted on the website of the Public Entity and available to any on request within three working days of the Opening.
The Public Entity shall have the right to request for clarifications in writing during evaluation.
Is it a compulsory requirement to have the Bidding document initialed on each page?
- No, only pages of the Bid where entries or amendments have been made shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the bid.
Where can the people or organisations report procurement matters that they deem is not in compliance with the Act?
The Chief Executive Officer
NAMFISA Toll-free Number (0800 222 333)
Email: namfisa@tips-off.com
PPU – Tel: +264 (61) 209 9413, Ministry of Finance, Head Office, Moltke Street, Private Bag 13295, Windhoek, Namibia
ACC – C/o Mont Blanc & Groot Tiras Str. Eros
PO Box 23137, Windhoek
Email: Acting Head Mrs. Justine Kanyangela: jnamukwambi@accnamibia.org
Tel: +26461 4354000
Can bidders submit certified copies of the Section 50(2) Documents?
- Bidders and suppliers can submit valid original documents or valid certified copies of an original document as certified by a Commissioner of Oath appointed in terms of the Justice of the Peace and Commissioner of Oaths Act, 1963 (Act No. 16 of 1963) as amended and as per the directive issued by the Minister of Finance on 29 August 2019. Bidders and suppliers may not be disqualified for submitting valid certified copies.
Why should my business remain encouraged to participate in public procurement?
The Public Procurement Act has objectives as stipulated in Section 2 which are to promote integrity, accountability, transparency, competitive supply, effectiveness, efficiency, fair-dealing, responsiveness, informed decision-making, consistency, legality and integration.
Furthermore, the Act aims for Public Procurement to contribute to:- 1. The job creation for Namibian citizens;
- 2. The empowerment of Namibian registered small and medium enterprises, women and youth by creating economic opportunity for them and enhancing their participation in the mainstream economy;.
- 3. Sourcing of goods manufactured, mined, extracted or grown in Namibia and local services and labour, including local entrepreneurial development; and
- 4. Preferential treatment in the allocation of procurement contracts to –
- - Namibian registered small and medium enterprises.
- - Namibian registered joint venture business.
- -Categories of Namibian manufacturers, suppliers, contractors and service providers.
- - Namibian registered entities that promote the protection of the environment, maintain ecosystems and sustainable use of natural resources; or
- - Namibian natural persons or categories of persons, including persons who have been, economically or educationally disadvantaged by past racial discriminatory laws or practices,
These objectives should encourage all businesses in Namibia to offer their goods and services to government to support the government to achieve the objects of the Act.
Who may appeal to the Appeal Board?
- Section 24 of the NAMFISA Act provides that any person aggrieved by a decision of the Chief Executive Officer taken under this Act or any other law may within the period and in the manner and upon payment of the fees prescribed by the Minister, appeal against that decision to the Board of Appeal.
How is an appeal Lodged?
- A notice of appeal must be lodged with the Secretary within fourteen days of the person becoming aware of, or ought to have become aware of, the decision. The full procedure for lodging an appeal is set out in the regulations promulgated in terms of the NAMFISA Act. The Appeal Regulations provide for an application for condonation.
Is the Appeal Board’s decision final?
- The Appeal Board may after hearing the appeal confirm, set aside or vary the decision of the Chief Executive Officer and order that the decision of the Board of Appeal be given effect to. A party who is dissatisfied with the Appeal Board’s decision has a right of review to the High Court if there are grounds for reviewing the decision.
What are the proceedings at the hearing of an appeal?
- The procedure at the hearing of an appeal is determined by the Chairperson of the panel hearing the appeal. Generally, the Appeal Board is restricted to information which was available to the decision-maker at the time of making the determination or decision. Parties are usually represented by legal representatives, although legal representation is not obligatory.
Supplier Relationship Management
Supplier Relationship Management
Supplier Relationship Management
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a bid securing declaration?
- A bid securing declaration is an undertaking in writing that a bidder will not withdraw the bid or reject to sign the contract.
Does the display of the procurement plan on the Public Entity’s website affect the confidentiality of the procurement process?
- The display of the procurement plan does not affect the procurement process since the award of contract is not only based on price but follows the evaluation criteria stated in the bidding document. The bidders will still be subjected to competition to determine the best offer.
Is advance payment permissible? This is normal practice for certain types of consultancy.
- Payment terms to a contract should be clearly prescribed as per the conditions in the bid document and the contract.
What is Procurement Policy Unit’s (PPU) mandate?
- Ensuring that procurement procedures established under the Act are complied with;
- Monitoring the procurement system and reporting on its overall functioning;
- Initiating public procurement policy;
- Assisting in the implementation and operation of the public procurement system by:
- preparing and distributing manuals and standard tender documents
- providing advice and assistance to procuring entities, and develop, promote and support training and professional development of staff involved in procurement
What do we do about tenders which arrive 2 minutes late and all bidders present agree to accept the late tender?
- Any late tenders submitted after the deadline date or time should be rejected in line with the Invitation to Tender. It is expected that Public Entities comply with the Act at all the stages of the procurement process.
What regulations apply to NAMFISA procurement?
- All of NAMFISA’s procurement activities are governed by the Public Procurement Act, Act 15 of 2015 and Regulations, as amended, the Code of Good Practice, all Directives issued by the Ministry of Finance and NAMFISA’s Procurement Policy. For further information on public procurement please visit the Policy Unit portal on the Ministry of Finance website.
Who should I approach if I have questions about the bids?
- Questions must be submitted in writing. Each bid states the contact person and where questions should be sent. You will find a final deadline for questions which is usually fourteen (14) days before the deadline of the bid submission closing date.
How can I find out what questions have been submitted by others?
- A report detailing relevant questions, answers and clarifications for each separate procurement is published on the website.
Does the bid invitation include all the information I need?
- The questions and answers that are published on the website provide important additional information to that contained in the bid invitation, so it is important to read the information published there.
How do I find out the outcome of a procurement process?
- When NAMFISA has made a decision of award, all bidders will receive a notice for award. The notice contains the details of the successful bidder and the bid price. The Notice for Selection of Award is issued by way of e-mail to the bidders, by notice on the Government E-GP portal and the NAMFISA website.
Can a bidder appeal the decision to award a contract by a Public Entity?
- In terms of Section 59 of the Public Procurement Act 15 of 2015, a bidder or supplier may, as prescribed, apply to the Review Panel for the review of a decision or action taken by the Public Entity. I think we could also include something about the bidder first requesting NAMFISA to reconsider their decision before applying to the Review Panel. A Bidder who is dissatisfied by a decision of award may in writing request NAMFISA/ the Public Entity to reconsider its decision of the award together with the grounds for such reconsideration request. If the Bidder is still aggrieved by the decision after such reconsideration, it may in terms of Section 59.
Can we request for a public opening of a Request for Quotation that requires technical evaluations?
- No. Bids will be opened internally by the Public Entity immediately after the closing time. However, a record of the Quotation Opening stating the name of the bidders, the amount quoted, the presence or absence of a Bid Security/Bid Securing Bidder Declaration, will be posted on the website of the Public Entity and available to any on request within three working days of the Opening. The Public Entity shall have the right to request for clarifications in writing during evaluation.
Is it a compulsory requirement to have the Bidding document initialed on each page?
- No, only pages of the Bid where entries or amendments have been made shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the bid.
Where can the people or organisations report procurement matters that they deem is not in compliance with the Act?
- The Chief Executive Officer
- Toll-free Number (0800 222 333)
- Email: namfisa@tips-off.com
- PPU – Tel: +264 (61) 209 9413, Ministry of Finance, Head Office, Moltke Street,
- Private Bag 13295, Windhoek, Namibia
- ACC – C/o Mont Blanc & Groot Tiras Str. Eros
- PO Box 23137, Windhoek
- Email: Acting Head Mrs. Justine Kanyangela: jnamukwambi@accnamibia.org
- Tel: +26461 4354000
Can bidders submit certified copies of the Section 50(2) Documents?
Bidders and suppliers can submit valid original documents or valid certified copies of an original document as certified by a Commissioner of Oath appointed in terms of the Justice of the Peace and Commissioner of Oaths Act, 1963 (Act No. 16 of 1963) as amended and as per the directive issued by the Minister of Finance on 29 August 2019. Bidders and suppliers may not be disqualified for submitting valid certified copies.
Why should my business remain encouraged to participate in public procurement?
The Public Procurement Act has objectives as stipulated in Section 2 which are to promote integrity, accountability, transparency, competitive supply, effectiveness, efficiency, fair-dealing, responsiveness, informed decision-making, consistency, legality and integration.
- the job creation for Namibian citizens;
- the empowerment of Namibian registered small and medium enterprises, women and youth by creating economic opportunity for them and enhancing their participation in the mainstream economy;
- sourcing of goods manufactured, mined, extracted or grown in Namibia and local services and labour, including local entrepreneurial development; and
- preferential treatment in the allocation of procurement contracts to –
- Namibian registered small and medium enterprises.
- Namibian registered joint venture business.
- Categories of Namibian manufacturers, suppliers, contractors and service providers.
- Namibian registered entities that promote the protection of the environment, maintain ecosystems and sustainable use of natural resources.
- Namibian natural persons or categories of persons, including persons who have been, economically or educationally disadvantaged by past racial discriminatory laws or practices.
Furthermore, the Act aims for Public Procurement to contribute to:
These objectives should encourage all businesses in Namibia to offer their goods and services to government to support the government to achieve the objects of the Act.