NAMFISA Complaints Online Form

Please note that before you lodge a complaint with NAMFISA, you should first have consulted the Service Provider.
Particulars of whom the complaint is laid against:
Company name:               

Name of Entity : *
Postal Address:
Address line 1: *
Address line 2:
Address line 3:
Town/City: *
If "Other" please specify: Other
Country: *
Contact person:
Email Address:
Details of complainant:
Surname: *
Full Names: *
Namibian ID Number/Passport Number: *
Postal Address:
Address line 1: *
Address line 2:
Address line 3:
Town/City: *
If "Other" please specify: Other
Country: *
Occupation: *
Work Physical Address:
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Address line 3:
If "Other" please specify: Other
Contact Numbers:
Mobile Number: *
Work Number:
Home Number:
Email Address :
Contact Number of next of kin :
Please insert your personal details should you make this complaint on behalf of someone else.
Are you complaining on behalf of someone else ? : (If yes, then please provide proof of authorisation below)
If yes, please attach proof at attachments:
Surname: *
Full Names: *
Postal Address:
Address line 1: *
Address line 2:
Address line 3:
Town/City: *
If "Other" please specify: Other
Country: *
Contact Numbers:
Cell: *
Email Address (if any):
What is the complaint about:
Where did you here about NAMFISA:
Radio :    
Television :    
Friend/Family :    
Other (specify) :  

Please attach the following documents to support your complaint











Should the upload fail, kindly fax documents to the following number 061-2905161 or email to
Please check that you have completed the following:
  •   Filled out all sections of the form
  •   Attached any relevant documents
  •   Signed and dated the form
  1.   I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information and/or documents that I provide are true and correct;
  3.   I understand that NAMFISA may disclose the information in this complaint to the Member and, if required, to any regulatory authority;
  5.   I/we understand that these authorizations remain in force until the matter which is the subject of the authorization is resolved or until I/we otherwise withdraw the authority;
  7.   I/we understand that once a complaint is made and not withstanding that the complainant withdraws complaint, NAMFISA may act on its own accord in assembling evidence and may continue to investigate a complaint if there is sufficient evidence available, without the complaint’s participation.

* *